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Fun Day2024

Fun Day2024

Entertainment party and Breakfast gathering to celebrate the beginning of the school year 2023/2024

Entertainment party and Breakfast gathering to celebrate the beginning of the school year 2023/2024

Honoring the students of 3rd Sec. for the school year 2022/2023

Honoring the students of 3rd Sec. for the school year 2022/2023

Congratulations! for the Topers of Saint Fatima Language School

Congratulations! for the Topers of Saint Fatima Language School

Excerpts from the honoring ceremony

Excerpts from the honoring ceremony

The meeting with the new students is renewed at Saint Fatima Language School

The meeting with the new students is renewed at Saint Fatima Language School

Honouring Third Year Preparatory Students for the Academic Year 2022 / 2023

Honouring Third Year Preparatory Students for the Academic Year 2022 / 2023

The students of St. Fatima Language School while celebrating the Valentine's Day

The students of St. Fatima Language School while celebrating the Valentine's Day

Honoring the ideal mothers as well as the first and ideal students' mothers

Honoring the ideal mothers as well as the first and ideal students' mothers

Fun Day

Fun Day

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Kareem

Fun Day2023

Fun Day2023

Child's Day

Child's Day

Valentine Day

Valentine Day