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Education a right option Worldwide all through ages
All the peoples of the world seek to occupy a remarkable position internationally through following various approaches to get it.
Along history, education has proved to be the right permanent option that includes knowledge, information and technology. Knowledge is indeed considered to be the sole bridge leading to progress. Experience and practice have proved that spending money on getting knowledge and education is some sort of saving kept in the bank of welfare and future.
The learner remains the axis of education and learning. They are the real capitals in all societies. The concept of the human resources may make a change, in some societies, into the concept of the human resources 'Individuals' development and training, all through the stages of their lives, represent a passport to the future.
Finally, we come to Schools which represent the destination. Schools are the laboratories through which the generations of the future are prepared with the aid of teachers accomplishing such a task lovingly and lavishly. These teachers are only pleased when they see the generations who graduated taking their right position in the society. The family and the school always remain the wings helping to harness horizons.